Wallpaper FAQ
Wallpaper can be overwhelming.
Find answers to your questions here.
How do I know how much wallpaper to order?
It depends on your wall size and the paper you’ve chosen. Our free estimates always include how much you wallpaper you need to order. Every project is different, but here’s what we generally need to figure out your quantity. We need to know the width and height of each individual wall that you'd like wallpapered (we don't need square footage). If your walls are a unique shape, you can measure them at their highest and widest points. We’re happy to come to your property and take measurements ourselves, but it is always quicker if you do it and send it along to us. A few quick and simple photographs can help, too!
Then, we love to have an online link to the specific paper you've chosen. We'd like to know the roll/bolt length, width, and pattern repeat (most wallpaper manufacturers have this type of info on their websites).
Can’t I just use an online wallpaper calculator?
We’ve found that most online wallpaper calculators are unreliable, because they don’t account for the pattern repeat of wallpapers. This means that while it might give you enough paper to cover your wall, the pattern won’t match. Generally, online wallpaper calculators come up one, two, or three rolls short.
How is wallpaper measured?
Wallpaper is often measured in single rolls, but sold in double rolls. For instance, a single roll of paper might be 4.5 yards long, but the double roll that you purchase is 9 yards long. They will not be sent to you as two rolls, but instead packaged as a single piece of wallpaper 9 yards long. This is the standard North American method of measuring wallpaper, although it can be confusing the first couple of times you do it.
All purchases of papers packaged as double rolls must be in even quantities, the minimum being 2 single rolls. In scenarios where your wall requires 7 single rolls, you will have to order 8 single rolls, which would then come to you in the mail as 4 double rolls.
It’s important to carefully check how your wallpaper is measured and packaged to avoid mix-ups. To add to the confusion, not all wallpaper is sold as double rolls. Some are simply sold as “rolls”, with no single or double quantities. Confused yet? It can be complex! We advise people to always measure your paper as a double roll, and ignore the single roll measurements. We can always walk you through paper measurement over phone or email, too.
Is wallpaper difficult to remove?
The quality of papers has dramatically improved over the past several decades. The old days are behind us! Removal, especially with newer papers, can be easier than you think. A quality installation also makes the removal process much easier down the line. We also have specialized tools and processes for removing the old wallpaper and glue, while also protecting your wall and prepping it for something new.
Is peel-and-stick wallpaper a good option for me?
There are lots of excellent peel-and-stick wallpapers, like Spoonflower’s paper. But there are also lots of low quality “temporary” wallpapers, and it can be hard to sort the good from the bad. Sometimes bad temporary papers start peeling within 24 hours! We always recommend traditional papers over temporary whenever possible.
What are some good local places to buy wallpaper?
Hirshfields: a Minnesota-based, fourth generation, family-owned company in the decorating business for over 125 years. They are a great option for people who prefer to shop in-person. They have several locations around the metro, as well as an amazing online wallpaper store.
She She: a Minneapolis print and pattern studio that creates custom hand-painted and printed wallpaper, surface designs, and furnishings. We love working with them and hanging their paper.
Hygge & West: Founded by childhood friends Aimee and Christiana. Hygge & West is founded upon the Danish concept of hygge (pronounced hue-guh) that loosely translates to cozy, but means so much more.
Murals Your Way: Hopkins-based custom mural production company. They get it perfect every time. We love hanging their work.
Any other wallpaper options?
Bradbury & Bradbury: Art wallpaper production company specializing in 19th and 20th century wallpapers, reproducing historic patterns, and reinterpretations of classic styles. In the biz since 1979.
Thibaut: Established in 1886, Thibaut is the nation’s oldest continuously operating wallpaper firm.
Phillip Jeffries: Phillip Jeffries is a family business founded with just 10 grasscloths in a garage over 40 years ago. From those humble beginnings, they have now emerged as one of the world’s leaders in wallcovering.
York: For over a century, York Wallcoverings has been manufacturing wallpaper from the same factory location in the historic and picturesque Susquehanna Valley of Pennsylvania. Today, York is the oldest and largest wallcovering producer in the United States.
Flavor Paper: Flavor Paper is known for creating conversational handscreened and digital wallpaper that flips tradition on its head.
Spoonflower: Spoonflower allows you to personalize any room in a way that's never been possible until now. Better yet, it is eco-friendly, formaldehyde-, phthalate-, PVC-free and removable, making it perfect for nurseries and rentals.